The Tramway Museum Society is a registered charity and operates Crich Tramway Village. We rely on entrance fees to cover the staffing and running costs for the site, with any surplus being ploughed into the upkeep and restoration of our tram fleet and library archive.

Like other charities, we do not receive funding from local or national government or any private bodies, and rely on grants, donations and bursuries to fund the restoration of our tram fleet. We are enormously grateful for any other donation as this enables us to continue to protect the work we have been doing for over 60 years at Crich.
You can select to donate money either as a ‘General Donation’, where donations will be allocated to either smaller projects or to a specific fund the Society considers appropriate, or you can select a specific fund to donate to. Donations to specific funds are ‘ring fenced’ to ensure they are spent on the selected project.

Should you wish to make a donation to the TMS, click here. Alternatively, you can visit the ‘Donations’ page of the Crich Tramway Village website by clicking on the Crich Tramway Village logo.
If you are thinking of leaving a bequest in your will, we have produced a short guide to help with the decision process and what wording to use in your will. Click here to view this guide.